Mi And L'au | Review | Jamie Rowland

a wonderfully serene album; simplistic, but very affecting

Jan 30/06

Michael Gira clearly has a good ear for music. The latest release on his Young God label, the self-titled debut of European couple Mi and L'Au, easily meets the high standard set by previous releases from artists such as Akron/Family, Devendra Banhart and Gira¹s own project, Angels of Light.

Mi met and fell in love with L'Au in Paris a few years ago. After living in Paris for some time, the couple moved to a secluded cabin in the Finland woodlands, where they now spend all their free time creating music.

You might not think it's too important to know the relationship these artists have with each other, or their living situation, but I can't think of a better way to describe the music on this record: these songs sound like they were written by a couple in love out in the middle of nowhere. Now that may well sound a bit pretentious, but I'm sure if you listen to the album, you'll agree.

Mi and L'Au play folk music without all the quirks and gimmicks which seem to go hand in hand with the genre these days. These are simply great songs which perfectly suit the setting they were written in sparse, maybe even cold, but hauntingly beautiful. If you listen to this through your headphones, you'll feel like you've been whisked away to your own private paradise, happy to be on your own.

"Mi & L'Au"  is a wonderfully serene album; simplistic, but very affecting.